The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Panchakajjai/ Panchkadayi

Hello dear readers! Today I will share an interesting prasadam recipe which we prepare on special occasions. Panchakajjai or Panchkadayi  is prepared on certain auspicious occasions like Krishna Janmashtami, Gowri pooja and Ganesh Chaturthi as an offering to the God and distributed as ‘Prasad’. We prepare it in large quantity and distribute to all our near and dear ones. I learn’t to prepare this Prasadam from my Amma. We prepare this with the eye ball measurement. Below is the recipe with approximate measure.This is my 400th recipe and this is one of the best post to compliment the occasion. Happy Ganesh Chaturthi to all my readers those who are celebrating.

Grated coconut – 2 cups

Jaggery -1 cup
Chana dal – 1/2 cup
White or black sesame seeds- 2 tbsp approx
Cashewnuts- 15
Puffed paddy powder- 1 cup(optional)(layi)
Cardamom powder-1/2 tsp
Ghee- 2 tsp


  1. Melt jaggery with 1/4 cup of water.
  2. Strain the syrup once dissolved to remove any impurities.
  3. Return it on the flame and boil it until it bubbles
  4. Add freshly grated coconut.
  5. Mix it well and cook it until it forms a  homogeneous mixture.
  6. Mixture  should be dry.
  7. Keep it ready.
  8. Dry roast chana dal  for few minutes until you get nice aroma and turns brown.
  9. Cool and powder it coarsely.
  10. Just pulse it once or twice.
  11. Wash sesame seeds and dry roast it.
  12. Roast cashewnuts separately and powder it coarsely with sesame seeds.
  13. Mix all the ingredients mentioned in the list and combine it well.



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  1. Hi Saigeetha,
    Congrats on your 400th post. I am new to your space, came through fb. You have a great blog with wonderful collection of recipes. I am happy I found your blog. I am happily following you. Panchkajji looks very inviting and a perfect prasad, Wish you a very happy Vinayaka Chathurthi….
    See u around…

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