The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Eggless Chocolate muffins

Divya Kudua’s blog is one of  my favourite blog  especially I just love her baking goodies,it is always a success.This time my fb Friend Mrs Vidya Nayak Shenoy had posted this and I was tempted to try it out.Muffins came out very good and eggless ones are  my most favourite . And with Christmas around the corner I’m fully geared up to bake goodies for my family…Today is also my Amma’s Birthday and I dedicate this post to her.Happy Birthday Amma !

Recipe adapted from : Easycooking

All purpose flour- 250 g / 2 cups
Baking powder- 1 tbsp
Baking soda- 1/2 tbsp
Butter- 150 g (Room temperature)
Sugar-150 g / 3/4 cup
Cocoa powder- 3 tbsp
Vanilla essence- 1 tsp
Milk – 150 ml / 3/4 cup (I used few tbsps more)
Choco chips – 50 g
Chocolate vermicelli – 2 tbsp approx to garnish (optional)


  1. Preheat the oven to 200 D C.
  2. Grease the muffin tray lightly and place the liners.
  3. Measure all the ingredients well and sieve maida,baking powder,baking soda and cocoa powder together.
  4. In a mixing bowl cream together softened butter and sugar together.
  5. Add in milk and sieved ingredients in 2-3 batches and mix it well using a spatula.
  6. Lastly add essence and choco chips and mix it.
  7. Fill in the muffin cups,garnish with choco vermecilli.
  8. Bake it in the oven for 25 minutes.
  9. Recipe calls for 200 D C,I baked at 160 D C.
  10. Adjust the settings accordingly.
  11. Bake it until springy and well risen.

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